jmd jmd8800 at charter.net
Thu Nov 17 20:34:33 PST 2005

On Nov 17, 2005, at 7:54 AM, Jean Chen wrote:

> My friend who gave me a lot of specific advice said I should put
> cinder blocks in my trunk to help the handling.  What do you guys
> think?  That's good advice about practicing in a parking lot.  Dustin,
> you're right about the gravel.  I have heard that the 10 at 3 a.m. is
> also good, even though there is no gravel.  I've heard about going
> real fast and then pulling the emergency brake.  But who knows?   :)

i think adding weight in the trunk was more specific to rear wheel  
drives. most cars are front wheel drive now.

learning to drive in snow country i was taught a few tricks. when  
accelerating do so slowly, if you tires begin to slip, back off. once  
traction is broken start again. this is also true with braking. brake  
slowly. if your tires lock, you have very little friction stopping  
you. this is the idea behind antilock brakes.

if you have a manual shift transmission, shift in the lower ranges of  
rpms. example, if you normally shift from 1st to 2nd at 3000 rpm,  
shift at 2500 instead. experience will guide you for your specific  
vehicle. the higher your rpms the more likely you will loose traction.

increase your distance between yourself and the vehicle in front of you.

newer radial tires are quite good in snow as long as the snow is not  
deep. if the road has been plowed or packed by other cars you should  
be ok. i'd stick with regular radial tires and chains (just for  
emergency purposes) unless you do a lot of out of the city driving.  
take the advice of those living in that climate.

when approaching a bridge remember while the roadway may not have ice  
on it, the bridge may be iced over. you'll see signs stating this.
> My friend did mention that I should expect to slide eventually.  It is
> good to hear all this in practical terms.

if you do slide let off the gas, the vehicle will correct itself in  
most circumstances.
if winter looked like the postcards do, i would not mind living in a  
cold climate. but i cannot afford aspen colorado. :)


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