[SGVLUG] cool tools & more

Emerson, Tom Tom.Emerson at wbconsultant.com
Thu Sep 15 18:52:02 PDT 2005

It looks like Dustin wasn't the only one with a good idea for a website -- Novell, of all people, also has a "cool tools" section of their website,


they list tools & tips for all products they sell, so you may want to visit the linux specific section here:


Of course, they have a bit more "muscle" for getting submissions than we do: they're offering rewards in the form of ipods, flash drives, and ocean cruises...


from the looks of it, if you write up something as a tip, tool, article, or what have you, you'll get either 75 or 125 "points" for it when they publish it on their site. [well, technically they say "up to..." either 75 or 125 depending on the category, but a quick review of their "contributors" page shows everything in 25 point increments with nothing below 75, so I imagine you actually get the maximum pretty much automatically]

75 points gets you a t-shirt, 50,000 points gets a cruise for 2 -- At 75 points per "tip", I think that works out to two "good sized blog entries" per day for just about a year [50,000 / 150=333 days...]  (hmmm... Dustin: maybe you could offer a one-day trip with your (junior?) crew to, say, Catalina, as an "incentive" -- what would it take?  maybe only 30 articles?)

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