[SGVLUG] Web Archive Voting Results.

Hershel Remer unixrabbi at rabbs.com
Mon Sep 19 16:20:30 PDT 2005


Our friend Tom replies:

>> The A-B coalition combines to be 47%.   :-)
> ...
> which shows how you're muddying the waters.

Ok, I will say the opposite...  only 53% want wide open public archives. The
rest of us voted against that. Even if A != B, I represent half of those who
voted for A, and I am telling you that if given a choice between C or "not C",
my vote would be anything but C. I can't speak on behalf of the other A voter,
but I bet my Knoppix CD that the voter would also vote B along with me if we
were forced to choose b/t C and B. Therfore, I say, add our two votes to the B
total, and you have your 47%.  :-)

And, fyi, 'members only' is similar to majordomo archives, as I pointed out
before the elections began, when I wrote that I would be ok with that.  So, B
is much closer to A than it is to C.

Csivah v'Chasimah Tovah !!

-- the unixrabbi

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