[SGVLUG] Laptop memory question...

jmd jmd8800 at charter.net
Sun Jun 4 22:25:37 PDT 2006

> I suppose I could lug this thing over to Fry's and take it to the
> "hardware counter" and have them "officially" try a larger memory  
> module
> (i.e, "pay them to install it" -- with the caveat that if it doesn't
> work, I won't pay them...)  Of course, that would mean actually buying
> memory from fry's -- not something I intended to do within this  
> lifetime
> nor the next -- so can anyone relate a positive experience regarding
> RECENT memory purchases from them?

i think what i would do is call mushkin.com . they have excellent  
tech support and i am sure if you proposed the question as you did  
here they would give you a straight up answer.

i don't know their prices well, but anytime i need memory i look to  
them first.

this may well be old enough that mushkin doesn't carry it.


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