[SGVLUG] OT: Hybrid efficiency (was:New Linux Lug)

Dustin Laurence dustin at dogbert.laurences.net
Fri Mar 3 16:43:32 PST 2006

On Fri, Mar 03, 2006 at 04:02:44PM -0800, David Lawyer wrote:

> I'm back.  From what I recall, Dustin didn't study good "Brake
> Specific Fuel Consumption Maps", nor plot load lines on them.  If he
> had done this, he would understand what I'm talking about and not have
> raised all the objections he did.

No, the problem is that no one in the world, except for you, wants to do
what you are doing (anyone can get better mileage at highway speeds
simply by slowing down to your average speed and driving steadily), and
that you have some erroneous ideas about certain areas of physics.  I
don't feel like trying to figure out which parts are misunderstandings
of mechanics and which parts are simply perverse terminology, but both
are present (for example, by definition coasting can't be a method of
energy *recovery,* and your actual arguments amount to a claim is that
it is a method of energy *conservation*--these two terms do *not* mean
the same thing).

You also ignored the very real objections that your driving method is
probably not safe, not clearly legal to me (it is guaranteed to be
illegal in every juridiction I've heard of for any vehicle with enough
torque to break a driving wheel free, "demonstration of speed" I think
is the term, or perhaps "drag racing" when done from a stoplight), and
even if legal vulnerable to (deserved, IMO) harassment from police who
are likely to suspect you of driving while intoxicated, sleepy, or
carelessly.  Nor does it scale--a freeway full of people driving that
way would not only be unsafe but would have a much lower traffic
capacity, so the very last thing in the world any urban planner wants is
to encourage that kind of driving.

Without addressing the latter problems it wouldn't even matter if you
were right.

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