[SGVLUG] [Fwd: trixbox training in LA]

Tom Emerson osnut at pacbell.net
Thu Feb 15 21:51:50 PST 2007

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Since there was more than a passing interest in this subject the last
time Kerry presented, I thought I'd pass this along...

- -------- Original Message --------
As a big supporter of the open source community and user groups, we
would like to extend your community an offer for our upcoming* Fonality
trixbox Open Communications Certification* (FtOCC) training program in
Los Angeles.  This is the first training program of its kind and we
would really appreciate your help making it a success!

Can you send out an email to your user group about the program?  More
information about it is below.

Thank you,

**Stefanie Chao-Narayan**
Marketing & Communications Manager
Fonality Inc.
(310) 861-4300 x7131
scnarayan at fonality.com <mailto:scnarayan at fonality.com>

*Fonality trixbox Open Communications Certification* (FtOCC) will be
held on *March 5 & 6 at the LAX Westin*.  We think the program will be
invaluable for those IT Managers and System Integrators who are
currently implementing, administering, or selling trixbox systems.  We
will cover:

    * trixbox installation and administration
    * Common troubleshooting issues
    * Asterisk configuration files
    * Management tools including FreePBX, HUDlite, Munin, and more
    * Dial plans, call routing
    * IP Telephones / Softphones
    * The ins and outs of VoIP
    * TDM hardware including T1/E1/PRI
    * building your VoIP integration business (optional dinner)

*For this week only*, your community can register and receive a 25%
discount!!  Go to http://www.learntrixbox.com
<http://www.learntrixbox.com/> for more information and to sign up.
Enter LNXUSRGP in the comments box when you register.

- --
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