[SGVLUG] slashdotted the article I sent... argh!

matti mathew_2000 at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 11 01:40:58 PST 2008

man!!! why does slashdot keep posting all of the
good articles I read!!!
(see previous post on id theft)

well... there was a good comment from someone there...


--- beware! put your milk glass down! ---

Will it lead to stricter regulation of credit? (Score:5, Interesting)
by Reality Master 201 (578873) on Thursday January 10, @03:00PM
(#21989070) Journal

It seems like making people paranoid about protecting their personal
data is the wrong way to attack the problem, especially given the
significant chance that whatever they do, some 3rd party will release
that data and put them at risk.

Instead, we should remove the incentive for identity theft and make it
MUCH more onerous and difficult to get anything worthwhile out of
stolen financial data.

Plus, it'd be nice to not get those 10-15 credit card offers a week in
the mail.
[ Reply to This ]

--- reply to above ---
      Re:Will it lead to stricter regulation of credit? (Score:5,
      by Anonymous Coward on Thursday January 10, @04:07PM (#21990250)

      "Plus, it'd be nice to not get those 10-15 credit card offers a
week in the mail."

      No, no, no! You're looking at this all wrong!

      I LOVE getting those free offers in the mail - but only the ones
with the return-postage-paid envelopes.

      Did you know that you can tape that envelope to ANYTHING
(almost...) that weighs less than 70 lbs.? And it will be delivered?

      That's how I get rid of my old 486, 386, etc computers. And I
don't fill up MY landfill! (And they have to dispose of them



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