[SGVLUG] Reminder: SGVLUG this Thursday -- Writing and Publishing Books with Free Software

Lan Dang l.dang at ymail.com
Wed Jul 8 10:21:12 PDT 2015

Hi all,

The month's presentation is Writing and Publishing Books with Free Software by Nathan Haines, an author, instructor and computer consultant who is a leader of the Ubuntu California Local Community Team and the Ubuntu Local Community Council.  We are meeting at Du-Par's -- the usual dinner at 7pm and presentation at 8pm.  I plan on getting there at 6:30pm to tweak the room layout.  I could always use help.


Please spread the word about the meeting. And please RSVP, whether on Meetup or to me.  I told Du-Par's to expect 20-30 people.  If there are more, we may have to adjust the room layout.

I believe Ed is bringing his PA system and Jess is bringing a microphone.  I don't know if we will attempt to record things.  Audio quality is a big issue that we need to resolve.

For those of you who remember the layout, we want to flip it so the projector is on the other side of the room.  That will help avoid having the wait staff constantly cross in front of the projector.  I may need to ask someone to bring an extra long extension cord, because the power outlet is on the other side of the room.  It would be nice to put down some kind of mat so people don't trip over or kick the cable.

You are not required to order a meal, but you might want to nurse a drink. To minimize interruptions during the presentation, please get your entire order in (including dessert) as soon as you sit down.  Ask for separate checks and see if you can settle your bill before 8pm.

Parking is behind the restaurant in a large lot shared by other shops/restaurants on Lake.  Parking tends to be a bit difficult around 6pm, but it might ease up after 7pm.  I don't know if they have a time limit on parking in the lot, but I have always felt comfortable parking there for long periods of time.  You are welcome to read the signs for more info or to ask the restaurant.  You will want to avoid the stalls closest to the shops, as I think those are short-term parking spots.

WEBSITE: http://www.sgvlug.org
MEETUP: http://www.meetup.com/SGVTech/events/223371319/

TOPIC: Writing and Pulbish Books with Free Software 
PRESENTER: Nathan Haines
LOCATION: Du-Par's Restaurant and Bakery

214 S Lake Ave, Pasadena, CA


The old saying goes that "everyone has a book inside of them", and advances in technology have made publishing more accessible than ever. The opportunities in traditional and independent publishing are wide open.  But writing a book remains a daunting task, and new authors will encounter many steps along the way.

What does it take to publish information in the digital age?  Hybrid author Nathan Haines discusses working with traditional publishers that use proprietary software and formats, and describes the self-publishing process from start to finish.  From ebooks to print, is Free and Open Source Software up to the task? 


Nathan Haines is an author, instructor, and computer consultant who fell in love with Ubuntu in 2005, and helped found the Ubuntu California Local Community Team to share that excitement with others. As a current leader of the California team and a member of the Ubuntu Local Community Council, he works to help others support and share Ubuntu worldwide.

His mission to educate and excite people about Free Software and Ubuntu continues with his upcoming book, Beginning Ubuntu Linux for Windows and Mac Users. 


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