[SGVLUG] May 12th Meeting Recap

Lan Dang l.dang at ymail.com
Fri May 13 11:04:21 PDT 2016

LUG at Du-Pars was a lot of fun. It was good seeing everyone.  Margo, our waitress, kept exclaiming that it was a bigger crowd than usual.

We had a representative from GitHub there, thanks to Mic.  He can probably hook us up with a speaker on some pretty indepth Git/GitHub topics, so please let us know what you're interested in.

* There were ~43 attendees with a lot of new faces.  Lots of socializing before, during, and after the presentations.

* Infosec Syndicate (infosecsyndicate.weebly.com) has been added to SGVTech meetup umbrella. 

  * Meetup description was updated.  

  * Jaime and Ray have been made event organizers.

* Git/GitHub talk was well received.  Slides here: 

* Joel gave a great partial survey of text processing tools.  Would love to see the complete version. Tools were presented in a taxonomy and useful options and use cases were demonstrated.
  * I mentioned that sort -u is not equivalent to "sort | uniq" but could not remember why.[1]

* Drew gave this great rant about why OpenSuse is great and the Suse community builds great tools.  Michael Starch did this great comic rebuttal in defense of Ubuntu, which may have driven even more people to the OpenSuse camp...and pretty much confused any new Linux user who was thinking of using Ubuntu and now has second thoughts.


[1] Quote from work email after tracking down a bug: "The commands sort -u and sort | uniq are equivalent, but this equivalence does not extend to arbitrary sort options. For example, sort -n -u inspects only the value of the initial numeric string when checking for uniqueness, whereas sort -n | uniq inspects the entire line."

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