[SGVLUG] Reminder: SGVLUG Meeting: Behind the Scenes of Robot Rumble 5/13

Lan Dang l.dang at ymail.com
Wed May 12 02:15:03 PDT 2021

Hi all,
 This month, I invited Anton Outkine, the developer behind Robot Rumble, an open source robot competition site that is currently in alpha.  I was interested in using it as a fun way for students to work with Python.  The site is built in WebAssembly and currently supports programming robots in Python or Javascript.

Zoom link
Meetup link: https://www.meetup.com/SGVTech/events/zvpphlycchbrb/

 Anton is a freshman at the University of Chicago studying Mathematics and Computer Science. He enjoys functional programming, ed-tech tools, design, and Rinzai Zen.


 Robot Rumble is an open AI competition website that Anton started during his junior year of high school. Developers code a robot function in Python and Javascript, and then this function is run for a team of robots in a grid-based arena to determine the winner. This talk will begin with a small tour of the architecture that makes Robot Rumble possible, and then will proceed to an overview of current and future development plans. Special attention will be payed to the potential applications of Robot Rumble within education, particularly in high school classrooms.

6:45 - Introductions, chat
7:05 - Announcements + CodeDay spiel
7:30 - Talks start


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